International Journal of Literacy and Education
2021, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Part A
Improving upper basic students’ critical thinking in social studies using PEDDA and IEPT instructional strategies
Author(s): Evelyn Ehi Ajayi, Linus Iorember Zaria, Virginia Omada Alachi and Victor Oluwatosin Ajayi
Abstract: The study investigated if Prior-Conception, Exploration, Discussion, Dissatisfaction and Application (PEDDA) and Invitation, Exploration, Proposing-Explanation and Taking action (IEPT) instructional strategies could improve Upper Basic students’ critical thinking in Social Studies. A sample of 173 students from 6 purposively selected secondary schools out of a population of 2,321 Upper Basic Education two (UBEII) students from Otukpo Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria was used for the study. The study adopted quasi experimental research design. The instruments used for data collection was Social Studies Critical thinking Ability Test (SSCTAT) with reliability value of 0.91 using Kuder-Richardson (KR-21) respectively. Two research questions and three null hypotheses guided the study. The research questions were answered using Mean and Standard Deviation while the hypotheses were tested using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The study revealed that there was significant difference in the mean critical thinking scores of students taught social studies using PEDDA, IEPT strategies and discussion method [F2, 172=411.100, P<0.05]. It was found that there is no significant difference between the mean critical thinking of male and female students taught social studies using PEDDA and IEPT respectively [F1, 55 =293.105, P>0.050], [F1, 58 =331.001, P>0.050]. It was recommended among others that social studies teacher trainees should be trained on the use of PEDDA and IEPT and serving teachers should be encouraged to employ the use of PEDDA and IEPT to improve students’ critical thinking in social studies.
Pages: 22-27 | Views: 1331 | Downloads: 569Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Evelyn Ehi Ajayi, Linus Iorember Zaria, Virginia Omada Alachi, Victor Oluwatosin Ajayi. Improving upper basic students’ critical thinking in social studies using PEDDA and IEPT instructional strategies. Int J Literacy Educ 2021;1(1):22-27.