International Journal of Literacy and Education
2021, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Part A
Impact of education in gender discrimination with reference to female foeticide in Jharkhand
Author(s): Dr. Mukesh Tiwari
Abstract: Generally in India, thinking of people regarding the birth of female child has not changed from the present scenario. Indian society is still suffering from this evil. People curse saying that it is a male dominated society. But it is the consent and willingness of mother-in-law to abort female foetus. Family celebrates the birth of a male baby. On the other hand family becomes sad and thinks a burden to the birth of female baby. The technology is misused to abort a female foetus. Lack of education is the main causes of gender discrimination in the society. In spite of over six decades of Independence, in spite of India making rapid progress in science, technology and other fields, the picture that we see of India as of now is not one that can be appreciated, especially in terms of its treatment to the fairer sex. Discrimination against girl children, parents’ neglect of the girl child, illegal abortions and female infanticide are clear instances of this. The practice of female foeticide, which is illegal, is still prevalent in our country. In Jharkhand, the practice of female foeticide survives in rural as well urban area also. There is one section of the Indian society which is trying its level best to be liberal in their thoughts, although aping the Western culture. On the other hand, there is another section of the society, in fact a large chunk of it, which is still in the clutches of orthodox views and thoughts. Female foeticide is one such grave social problem arising out of the so-called “traditional thoughts†of our society. Illegal abortion of the female foetus is done due to family pressure from in-laws, husband or the woman’s parents, and the reasons for this are preference of son, girls being considered as a burden, poverty, illiteracy, social discrimination against women etc. Discrimination against girl children, parents neglect of the girl child as well as her education.
Pages: 102-105 | Views: 1107 | Downloads: 437Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Dr. Mukesh Tiwari. Impact of education in gender discrimination with reference to female foeticide in Jharkhand. Int J Literacy Educ 2021;1(2):102-105.