P-ISSN: 2789-1607, E-ISSN: 2789-1615
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International Journal of Literacy and Education

2023, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part D

Achieving innovativeness and sustainable business enterprises: An Analysis

Author(s): Dr. OP Shukla

Abstract: Strategic Management is the crux of any organization’s growth and development. Strategic Management involves perspective planning and its effective implementation. The strategic management is also a process which has flow of information through interrelated actions which an organization has in its objectives. Thus, any business sustainability requires long-term future-oriented and company desired making processes to manage the resources for better output.In strategic management, the role of manager and management skills plays a very important role in various aspects on plans and policies. The sustainability attracted by external environment which have been elaborated in paper. Thus, the paper highlights the flexibility in management and flowing of information for bringing dynamic growth process in the entire system.

Pages: 241-246 | Views: 192 | Downloads: 51

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International Journal of Literacy and Education
How to cite this article:
Dr. OP Shukla. Achieving innovativeness and sustainable business enterprises: An Analysis. Int J Literacy Educ 2023;3(1):241-246.
International Journal of Literacy and Education
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