P-ISSN: 2789-1607, E-ISSN: 2789-1615
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International Journal of Literacy and Education

2024, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part A

A study the relationship between menstrual hygiene management and women empowerment in West Bengal

Author(s): Deepan Kundu and Dr. Sangamitra Ghosh

Abstract: The Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) sector had long ignored menstruation, treating it as a taboo subject, but the issue is currently the topic of concern. In 2014, 28 May was declared as the Menstrual Hygiene Day, in an attempt to ‘break the silence and raise awareness about the importance of menstrual hygiene management. Many adolescent girls in low-income and middle-income countries lack appropriate facilities and support in school to manage menstruation. Menstrual hygiene management (MHM) interventions, including the use of sanitary pads, education and awareness, and where possible separate, sanitary toilets, are identified to have far-reaching impacts on the education and empowerment of girls. This paper discusses the relationship between menstrual hygiene management and women empowerment in West Bengal. We conducted some awareness camp for this study in West Bengals some schools from March to July 2023 among girls 11 to 17 years old who reached menarche. We sampled 20 schools from 10 urban and 10 rural clusters using a stratified random sampling technique. We interviewed 300 school girls and conducted spot checks in each school for menstrual hygiene facilities. The result of this study shows there is a significant relationship r= 0.524 between menstrual hygiene management and women empowerment in West Bengal.

DOI: 10.22271/27891607.2024.v4.i1a.164

Pages: 46-49 | Views: 177 | Downloads: 88

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International Journal of Literacy and Education
How to cite this article:
Deepan Kundu, Dr. Sangamitra Ghosh. A study the relationship between menstrual hygiene management and women empowerment in West Bengal. Int J Literacy Educ 2024;4(1):46-49. DOI: 10.22271/27891607.2024.v4.i1a.164
International Journal of Literacy and Education
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